Wednesday, December 28, 2016

My Yoga Resolution

After a week that has not gone anywhere near how I planned or imagined, I have decided to get back on top of exercising regularly by mainly doing yoga and going running. Today was my first day and it was definitely a challenge. My alarm went off at 5:30am and even though I didn't get up as soon as I planned or make it as far as I hoped, I did something. Starting is a challenge and sticking with it is even harder.

The time when I was doing yoga regularly was when I felt the best (since high school when I took belly dance classes regularly). I feel like this is a step towards lasting health and happiness.

I have used this app a couple times since I can't afford a yoga studio membership and I actually like it. I still prefer practicing in a studio because I feel more compelled to go since its at set times and usually push myself a lot more when there are other people around. I like that in the Down Dog app you can select the length of time you want to spend in a session, change the style of yoga, and change the background music selection. It's actually not a prerecorded video like other versions, but changing pictures with a voiceover explaining what to do in a soothing voice.

FYI the Down Dog app is available for Apple and Android and it's FREE!

This morning I set up a 60 minute session, which is how long the classes were back at my old studio, and only made it about 35 minutes before I was rather worn out and stayed in Childs Pose another 5 minutes before stopping it all together. I probably should have laid down longer and relaxed, but instead I got up and took a hot shower. I'm a bit disappointed in how badly I did, especially at anything that required balancing on doing a lunge.

Today is Day#1 though, so I do have to start somewhere. I will do better and better if I stick to it. Self-discipline has never been one of my strongest qualities, but I'm determined to change this and get my priorities in order.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Retail Therapy Target Haul

Today sucked, so I had a lazy day after some retail therapy at Target. I will probably try out the elf face powder, the Milani lipsticks, and the baby backpack out tomorrow. I have already tried out the non-foaming cleanser and a currently wearing the rose mask from Shea Moisture. It's more tingly than I expected considered it's supposed to be for sensitive skin. I had to put back some of the stuff I was wanting as I started to ring up everything I had so far. Retail therapy shouldn't bankrupt you... I am super happy I grabbed these 2 super soft, long-sleeved shirts though. It's cold here in El Paso, Texas at the moment.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of my slightly early New Years Resolution to get back on top of my life. It's time for a priority change because what I have been doing is obviously not working, no matter how hard I try. My alarm clock is set for 5:30am, so hopefully it will go off this time and hopefully I can drag my butt out of bed that early.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Loreal Pure-Clay Detox & Brighten Mask

Made with 3 Pure Clays + Charcoal
1.7oz / 48g

Green = Purify & Mattify
Black = Detox & Brighten
Red = Exfoliate & Refine

My very first impression of the new Loreal clay mask was that it looked like it was being advertised as being made with natural ingredients due to the pale green and white box. The actual jar feels nice and heavy, but has a light weight plastic lid that is the same pale green color as the box. I super love that there is a sort of seal on the jar to keep the air out and keep it from drying out quickly.

I was pleasantly surprised at how easy they clay was smooth onto my skin and it dried pretty quickly. It has a natural smell that I couldn't quite place, but it didn't smell like charcoal like I expected. My husband says it smells like tea and I'm inclined to agree. I originally thought it was black, but it's actually a dark gray color that dries down to a light gray with all the darker spots from the absorbed oil.

Friendly Advice: Don't laugh or smile when it's almost dry. My husband is really funny and it was borderline painful when the mask cracked.


Immediately after applying the mask it felt tingly all over and again it dried quickly. Thankfully Mike was too distracted by video games to notice me wearing a face mask, so I could keep a straight face and keep it from cracking. My skin felt clean and smooth and looked like it sucked up some of the impurities (if the black spots everywhere are anything to go by).

Final Thoughts vs. Claims:

All skin types? I don't think I can speak for any of the skin types, but I would recommend this to my fellow people with oily skin.

Doesn't dry out skin? Nope! It just felt nice and clean.

Goes on and rinses off easily? It went on surprisingly easily and evenly, but was harder to wipe off.

Completely draws out built up impurities, dirt, & pollution? Maybe? I still have blackheads after 2 days of use, so I doubt it has gotten everything.

Skin feels refreshed and can breathe? Clean-feeling doesn't necessarily mean completely clear of nasty stuff, but maybe it breathes a bit better?

Look brighter with a healthy glow? Actually, yes. It's subtle, but was noticeable for me.

Skin tone is more even? My skin was a little less red after Day#1, but I picked at my face on Day#2 so it was a bit red again (hence the lack of a second picture).

Skin looks smoother? I didn't notice any difference visually in my texture. I will update y'all later if this changes.

Would I repurchase this product? Yes.

Want to try this for yourself? Click Here!