Friday, March 24, 2017

Discovering My Mission

Originally, I started this blog for selfish reasons, by which I mean the electronic equivalent to an electronic journal. Now that I have started reading for fun again, I have noticed a theme in the content I truly enjoy. They tend to be self-help through someone's personal narrative. A "How To Declutter" book wouldn't be as interesting and meaningful as someone's story in response to utilizing said book to declutter their home and life.

That said, I have not been blogging much lately because I feel rather stuck as of lately. I feel like I need some sort of life change, but I'm not sure what. It would be awesome to learn a real trade or skill and not just soft skills that can apply anywhere. I'm not unhappy working as a cashier at a Chinese restaurant, but this is not a career and after second guessing my calling in Human Resources, it has me feeling lost.

What do I do when I feel lost or unhappy? I like to create.

One of my favorite methods of creation is writing. There is something really freeing about just writing without any idea where you are going. I will often write about the daily stuff (what I'm feeling, ideas I have, wants and desires, conversations I have had recently, and so on). There is a tiny book called The Daily Bones (I believe) that inspired me to do so. I don't journal every day, but I do when I need something back from it.

Today I felt like writing in my other "journal" and as I lay in bed unable to fall back asleep, I thought about what sort of changes I have been wanting. I guess I'm unhappy, but I don't really feel that way. The Universe seems to be telling me it's about time to change something.

One of my first thoughts went back to a conversation I had with a friend from college about what sort of business would I open if money was no object, but if I was to ever open a spa I would be no help for the real work because I don't know how to do hair, skin, nails, eyelash extensions, massage therapy, chiropractic... nothing. I have "soft skills" and could learn how to run the business and take care of my employees, but I would never be able to cover for one of them if they got sick or had an emergency. Opening a business right now would not be a good idea then.

Could I make money off of my blog? Maybe one day, but that's not the point.

Ok, so back to the drawing board AKA a small teal notebook with big white poke-dots and pink binding. Without looking through the previous pages of ideas, I wrote about what I aim to do every day which is essentially to "make today a happy day." I'm borrowing the wording from one of my favorite hoodies that I found at the UNIQLO near my host family's house when I was studying abroad in Japan. It's a pastel yellow with a picture of Mr. Happy surrounded by the words "Today is a Happy Day." Something I have learned is that if it makes me smile, it will often continue to do so long afterwards. Side note, I'm currently wearing it because my house is freezing cold.

Could my happiness journey be my schtick? Why not?

Lauren Singer's Trash Is For Tossers focuses on living a zero waste lifestyle, Simon's and Martina's Eat Your Kimchi (now also Eat Your Sushi) focuses on food and traveling adventures in Korea (and now Japan), Tanja's Rose Shock (AKA @RoseShock) focuses on creative makeup and cosplay, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus write about intentional living and minimalism at, and and the list goes on. You can literally blog about anything, but it appears that you must have a cohesive theme of focus.

Would anyone even be interested in my ideas about living happier and with intention? There only has to be one person.

Everyone should be living a life in line with their personal values. Lauren is a perfect example of this and she really inspires me to live intentionally. By "living intentionally" I mean that you live a life that aligns with what is important to you. The Minimalists have an awesome podcast on the subject.

I haven't quite figured the wording yet, but I make an effort to live my life is by enjoying the little things, by making today a happy day, by using and doing things that make me smile, by making an effort to appreciate how blessed I am, and by living in a way that aligns with who I am and who I strive to be.

I know that happiness is internal. It does not come from external sources, as awesome as that would be theoretically. It's definitely a challenge sometimes to keep negative external influences from affecting my mood, but there are so many more positive things going on that I feel my quality of life has gotten so much better. Since graduating college, I stopped taking antidepressants, was exercising regularly (I have since fallen off the bandwagon and need to get back on), talked to family and friends regularly, ate healthier, and overall these made me feel better.

Mental health, Happiness, and Intentional Living are so important.

If my story helps even one person, then I have done my job.

(Updated: August 12, 2017)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Five Things I Love About El Paso


I have been watching a bunch of Simon and Martina's YouTube videos lately. If you haven't heard of them, they are a Canadian couple who lived in Seoul, Korea for about 8 years and just recently moved to Tokyo, Japan. Simon and Martina are absolutely adorable and do videos focusing mainly on trying new foods and exploring new places.

In a weird way, they reminded me about how much I love to explore and about how I'm living in a city relatively far away from home. I was thinking about the random things that surprised me when I first came here and wanted to share them here on my blog (that I have been sadly neglecting). Without further ado (Side note: I googled how to spell that since I have never actually written that phrase down before), here are five random fabulous things I have discovered in El Paso, Texas.

1) Hot Cheetos & Queso (and Mexican Food in general, YUMM)

2) Wide Right Lanes (instead of a third lane)

3) Club Music on the Radio at Noon and 5PM (great for trapped in traffic jam sessions)

4) Extra Front and Back Doors on Houses (which makes me feel safer and I can air out the house)

5) Rock Fencing (which just looks cool)

There have not been a whole lot of things that I particularly dislike about El Paso other than the amount of straight sunlight (it's a sunburn waiting to happen) and the spiky sticker plants (which are the equivalent of stepping on spiky legos). Overall, every place in existence has interesting things that are new and different. In my opinion, you don't have to travel internationally to find a bit of culture shock.

I hope y'all have an amazing day!